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Will You Page 6

Just for a minute, we sit in companionable silence, hand in hand, on Jack’s white settee. Now he has let a little of his façade slip, I look behind the cocky popular boy from school and see an insecure young man who is still searching for himself in the middle of a storm. I find myself wanting to help him navigate through. Who knows, maybe if we are successful, he should see the world and grow as an individual? There’s no law that says we all have to conform to type and marry and have kids as a matter of duty. Maybe he does have the right idea after all and maybe I should let go of a little of my own reserve and see where it takes me.

  So, for the rest of the evening, we order take out and chat like old friends. The wall I was hiding behind has shifted and now I feel I can open up to him and in doing so discover we share a lot in common.

  By the time Jack drops me home, I have thawed a little towards him. Then as I make to exit the car, he pulls me back and says softly, “Will you let me kiss you, Nelly?”

  My heart starts beating rapidly and I wonder what the right answer is here. However, my desire beats my reasoning to the ground and I say shyly, “For appearance’s sake only, of course.”

  His eyes sparkle and he smiles triumphantly. “Yes, of course. For appearance’s sake only.”

  He reaches over and wraps his hand around the back of my head and pulls me towards him. I think I hold my breath as he lowers his lips to mine and kisses me softly and sweetly. His touch is gentle and causes my heart to flutter. He strokes the side of my face with his fingers and entwines my tongue in his. I feel wanted, cherished and desired and it’s the first time in my life I ever have. No rushed wet kiss from an inexperienced boy who lunges in for the kill. No tongue sucking marathon by a boy who never learned the skill involved. No, this is a tiny taste of heaven executed by an experienced man. The man I always lusted after and dreamed of in bed at night. So, what if it’s fake, I’m a woman after all and it’s no hardship feeling his attention.

  As he pulls back, his eyes sparkle and he whispers, “I’ll see you tomorrow, thanks for a great evening. Maybe tomorrow we can spend the evening at your flat.”

  Words fail me, so I just nod and smile before exiting the car. As I walk back to my apartment, I still feel the imprint of his lips on mine. I walk on a cloud and it’s only when I turn the key in the lock and see the familiar waiting for me, I realise what’s happening. Leaning back against the door in shock, I shake my head at my own stupidity. Just for a minute, I dared to dream. I never stopped wanting Jack Mason and as sure as he’s going to walk away from me at the end of this once his aunt’s cheques is deposited in his bank, I’m about to get my heart shattered into a million pieces because I love Jack Mason and I always have.


  The next day I feel the nerves returning. Tonight, Jack wants to visit my flat, and it’s nothing compared to his. I woke up early and did my best to tidy up and make it look better than it is but there’s only so much you can do with obvious second-hand furniture and more mess than a person has any right to accumulate.

  I feel quite despondent and my mood doesn’t improve when the first thing I see is a flirtatious Jack laughing with a group of giggling girls, who are already sitting outside his shop.

  He doesn’t see me and I feel strangely annoyed to see him so obviously flirting. I shouldn’t be, after all, he’s been open from the start. He’s not looking for a real girlfriend when there are obviously so many women clamouring for his attention.

  So, as usual, I resort to eating my stock as soon as I set foot inside my shop and spy on him from the spy mirror, getting more despondent as the day goes on. The only light relief is when Richie pays me a visit and I fill him in on what’s been happening - the official version at least.

  “Oh. My. God. You lucky cow.”

  I raise my eyes and he grins. “Whoever said dreams don’t come true. Wait until I tell Roger.”

  I roll my eyes. “Is it that much of a surprise? After all, surely he’s the lucky one in all this.”

  Richie’s eyes soften and he gives me a hug. “Of course, he’s the lucky one. Any guy would be. I mean, you are totally the full package and any guy would think he had it all with you beside him.”

  I laugh self-consciously. “Well, you would say that because you’re my friend. Anyway, how are things at home?”

  He shrugs. “Dreadful. If I hear one more gory detail about that knee operation, I’m liable to crack and break his other one just to give myself some respite while he does another stint in hospital. I’m even contemplating fabricating a trip away to get out of going home. I’ve started looking up mini breaks for one on the web and was that close to booking a trip to Tenerife yesterday when he started moaning about the pain and could I just plump his cushions a little more.”

  I frown and say firmly. “You should have a little more compassion; he must be in agony.”

  Richie shakes his head. “Only when I’m looking. I saw him yesterday when he thought I was out. He was dancing to Ed Sheeran and his knee looked fine then. When I slammed the front door, he fell on the settee and started groaning saying he needed me to bring him some medicinal brandy for the pain. Quite honestly, Nelly, that man’s a monster and I’m so going to get my revenge.”

  “Why, what are you going to do?”

  “I’m not sure but you can rest assured it will involve lots of pain for him - of the mental kind.”

  Grinning, I look up as Angela heads inside and looks at me sheepishly. Instantly, the alarm bells start ringing and I say brightly, “Hi, how was your evening with the popular crowd?”

  She smiles happily. “Actually, I really enjoyed it. Emma was nicer than I thought and really made me feel included. Madison was also so funny and I never realised how nice they really are.”

  Richie looks interested. “Then why the face?”

  “Excuse me.”

  “The face. You came in here looking like you had something on your mind and we want to know what?”

  She sighs heavily and looks a little worried. “I’m sorry, it’s just that they said things about Jack and it made me feel uncomfortable.”

  I try to look uninterested but say quickly, “Like what?”

  She sighs. “Emma told me that he’s such a raging flirt. He flirts with all their customers and girls are always giving him their phone numbers. Apparently, when they went out, he was talking to several other girls at the time and she went through his phone and found some quite explicit texts to several other women. She said he’s the unfaithful type and they pity you.”

  I shrug. “So what, that is in the past. He’s grown up since then and if that’s what he wants to do it’s up to him. We’re not married or anything. I mean, say a fit guy came in here and gave me his number – I’d take it. We’ve only been dating for nearly two days, it’s hardly serious.”

  Angela smiles sympathetically and Richie looks thoughtful. “Yes, if he’s a player, it kind of goes with the territory.”

  We look across the road and see Jack leaning over a group of girls and laughing at something one of them says. Fighting back the irritation, I say bluntly, “I’m not going to be the jealous girlfriend. He’s a businessman and is establishing his business. Being nice to the customers is the number one rule and a bit of playful banter isn’t going to hurt anyone. However, it was me who spent the evening with him and will do again tonight.”

  Richie says with interest. “Ooh, tell us all the gory details.”

  I just smirk like the cat who got the cream and say mysteriously, “All in good time my good friend.”

  I turn my attention to Angela and say with interest. “So, you enjoyed your evening then.”

  She nods with excitement. “Yes, they’ve invited me to the cinema tonight. We’re seeing that new chick-flick with Zac Efron. What I wouldn’t give to go out with a guy like that.”

  Richie sighs. “You’d have to fight me off first darling. Anyway, I need to go and plan my revenge. I’m going to grab a coffee across the street and observe this philandering boyfr
iend for myself. If I don’t like what I see, I’ll pretend my coffee’s cold and object at the top of my voice. Let’s see how his customer care skills work then.”

  Laughing, we watch him head off and Angela sighs. “You know, whatever they say, you’re still lucky. I hope I find Mr Right soon. I want some of what you’re having because I’ve never seen you looking so radiant.”

  I raise my hand to my face and say with surprise. “I don’t look any different, what do you mean?”

  She laughs softly. “You do, Nelly. Your face looks different somehow. Like you have that love look.”

  “Love look?”

  Giggling, Angela pulls me over to the spy mirror. “Yes, look your eyes are bright and soft and your cheeks glowing with pink. You look happy and satisfied and I am so jealous right now.”

  Shaking my head, I say with amusement. “You’re silly. I don’t look any different. Anyway, I must get to work because I have a chocolate rep due and I need to take stock of what I need.”

  As I catch sight of Jack in the mirror, I notice him taking a piece of paper from one of the girls who is openly flirting with him. Even from here, I see the loaded look they share and my irritation threatens to blow this whole charade wide open. However, I can see a way of getting my own back on Jack and say to Angela, “I’m not sure if you’ve got the time but can you look after the shop for me when my rep arrives?”

  She nods. “Of course, how long do you need?”

  “Oh, about an hour at the most. That will be all the time I need.”


  Ten minutes later, the door chimes and I look up to see my favourite rep heading through the door. Gary is quite easy on the eye and a terrible flirt, rivalling Jack Mason in that department with ease.

  He winks as he heads inside and says in a loud voice, “How’s my favourite customer today?”

  Knowing this is just sales talk, I smile happily. “Hey, Gary, how’s my favourite rep?”

  He winks and places his case on the floor in front of the counter. “All the better for seeing you, Nelly. Now, is there a cup of tea with my name on it or do I have to go and make it myself?”

  He winks and I laugh at the expression on Angela’s face. She is spellbound because Gary is cocky, confident and extremely good looking.

  She blushes as he turns his attention to her. “Who do we have here then? Your new sexy assistant by the looks of things.”

  She blushes and I grin. “Yes, Gary meet Angela. She likes men who know what they want and foreign holidays.”

  Angela throws me a mortified look and I giggle as Gary reaches out and takes her hand in his, kissing the back of it gallantly. “Well, I’m pleased to meet you, gorgeous Angela.”

  He turns his attention back to me and I’m no fool. This is Gary’s sales patter which is why I completely overspend with him. He is the number one rep in the business because he charms the pants off all his customers, making them feel as if they are the most special ones in the world. Today he is going to be my weapon in teaching Jack Mason another lesson, so I smile sweetly. “Let’s take our meeting over the road. It’s a lovely day and we can grab a coffee in the new shop. You know, the guy who opened it is a total sleaze. He actually has the gall to sell chocolate in there. Can you imagine doing something so underhand?”

  Gary shakes his head. “Shocking, babe. Let’s go and suss out the competition then and you can rest assured he will not be getting his money hungry hands on any of my chocolates. I’m loyal to my favourite customers, so let’s go and check this creep out.”

  Smiling our goodbyes to Angela we head across the road and take a seat outside More Than Chocolate.

  As Gary puts down his cases, Jack appears and looks surprised. “Hi, Nelly, this is an unexpected treat. What can I get you, on the house, of course?”

  Gary pretends to gag behind his back and I smile brightly. “A latte for me and what will you have Gary?”

  He looks at Jack and says frostily, “A flat white please.”

  Jack looks surprised and then frowns as I smile flirtatiously at Gary and say dismissively. “Thanks, Jack.”

  Gary removes a catalogue from his case, effectively demoting Jack to the hired help and says forcefully, “Right then babe. It’s time for you to fleece me for everything I’ve got.”

  He winks and I see Jack’s expression harden but he has no choice but to walk away.

  Gary is a good rep for a reason and has sussed out the situation perfectly. He flirts outrageously with me the entire time and pops many delicious samples of chocolate in my mouth, while I groan loudly, savouring the delicious taste. It becomes a bit like ‘When Nelly met Gary’ and I totally overplay the orgasm scene. I see many interested looks thrown our way and one very irritated one. Gary plays his part to perfection and there is so much giggling and flirtatious behaviour that even I begin to believe it a little.

  Every so often I see Jack looking daggers at Gary and feel the smug sense of revenge as he totally gets a taste of his own medicine. Emma watches with amusement and I can see she is finding it hard to keep a straight face. After one particularly satisfying groan, Jack rushes over and says frantically, “Can I get you anything else?”

  Gary throws me a look that would melt every chocolate in my shop and says sexily, “I think we’re good thanks. You know, Nelly is my favourite customer for a reason. She certainly knows how to savour the finer things in life.”

  He winks and I giggle like a schoolgirl. “Oh, Gary, you know you’re my favourite rep too. Nobody else has the same… um… passion for what they do. You know, maybe we should continue this meeting back at the shop. Jack will probably need the table and we can finish this… um… in private.”

  Gary reaches out and grabs my hand and says gruffly, “Yes, let’s take this inside and seal the deal.”

  He winks and Jack’s frown almost makes me laugh out loud.

  As Gary gathers his things, Jack pulls me to the side and hisses, “What are you doing?”

  I smile innocently. “Having a business meeting.”

  He says angrily. “No, you’re not, you’re flirting with him and he’s taking advantage of it.”

  I shrug. “We all have to do what’s necessary in business, Jack. I’m sure you are not averse to using your attraction capabilities to squeeze a little more from your customers. We all do it, it doesn’t mean anything after all.”

  Shaking off his hand, I smile at Gary and say in a low, husky, voice. “Here, let me carry your sack of goodies.”

  Gary winks and I giggle, leaving Jack with a face like thunder, as we head back to Chocolatti.

  As we stumble back into the shop, Angela looks up with interest. “What’s so funny?”

  Gary grins. “I love coming here. You’re such fun, Nelly. When you stared groaning, I thought I’d lose it.”

  Angela looks confused. “Groaning?”

  I laugh softly. “Yes, Jack’s discovered he’s not the only one who can flirt like a pro. Maybe it might just teach him a thing or two.”

  We settle down and do what we should have an hour ago and I make sure to place a larger order than normal. As Gary prepares to leave, he smiles at us both and says sweetly, “Thanks for an enjoyable morning. I wish my afternoon was going to be as exciting but I have the customer from hell waiting. He just eats all my samples and then tells me he doesn’t need anything and to give him a call next week.”

  Angela looks shocked. “That’s terrible. Tell him he can’t have a taste unless he commits to an order.”

  Gary winks at her making her blush. “It doesn’t work like that but I’ll take your advice on board. Hopefully, when I come next time, I’ll report back and say your advice worked.”

  He winks and says softly, “I’ll look forward to it, Angela.”

  Rolling my eyes, I see him to the door and say gratefully, “Thanks, Gary, for everything. Hopefully, that’s shown Jack I’m not to be messed around with.”

  He laughs softly. “Jack’s your boyfriend, isn’t he?”r />
  “How do you know?”

  He laughs. “Because he was throwing me evil looks the whole time I was there. He couldn’t take his eyes off you and every time you laughed or groaned, I might add, he got this nervous tick in his jaw. I watched him the whole time, and he was all over the place. Well, good for you Nelly. Don’t let guys like that mess you around when there are so many more out there. Anyway, I should go but tell me one thing before I do.”


  “Is Angela seeing anyone?”

  Grinning, I whisper, “No, but don’t you go breaking her heart, otherwise I’ll set my boyfriend on you.”

  He throws a hot look over to Angela and says sweetly, “We’re not all players you know. I may talk the talk but I walk a very different kind of walk.”

  He leaves the shop laughing and I raise my eyes. Men!


  When I meet up with Jack later, I face him with newfound confidence. I have started to realise that two can play at this game and because I’m not really in this for love; I am going to make it my mission to teach him a valuable lesson. However, then I remember we’re heading back to my flat tonight and the nerves pull me back into line. Great, Jack will soon see that where he has nearly everything, I have next to nothing.

  However, I’m the one who is surprised because he meets me looking worried. “Hey, Nelly, I’m sorry about tonight but I need to visit my parents. They’re insisting on a visit because I haven’t touched base with them since the grand opening. Mum has made her signature spag bol and told me I must bring my new girlfriend.”

  I stare at him in shock. “How do they know about me already?”

  He grins sheepishly. “I think I bragged a little when they called. I kind of played things up a bit and of course, mum’s sceptical.”

  “But won’t they know this all a façade, anyway? I mean, they must know what your challenge is and if anything, they will think badly of me for agreeing to it.”

  He smiles softly. “To be honest, I told them as luck would have it, I found you at the same time and had always wanted to go out with you. Subsequently, mum is super excited because I’ve never brought a girl home before and told my father she thinks you’re the one.”