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Falcondell: The Devil's Son Page 2

  Leaning back against the doorframe Cally sighs. “That was lucky.” Piper nods and I ask, “Who was that?” I detect a slight flush in Cally’s face as she says, “Jacob Cole. He’s my next door neighbour and we grew up together. The trouble is he fell in with that gang and hardly says two words to me now. He goes out with Teagan Hicks, Skylar’s best friend so I daren’t be seen even talking to him.” As I help her grab her bag from the floor I can tell that she likes this Jacob guy. We head outside and I can see my Aunt’s station wagon waiting for me. Saying farewell to my new found friends I rush over.

  Once I get in Aunt Sarah looks at me worry etched all over her face. “What just happened?” Shrugging nonchalantly I say, “Oh nothing, it’s fine.” Starting the engine I can tell that she is not convinced. Shaking herself she plasters a smile on her face. “So how was it, good day?” Settling back into the seat I smile at her. “Yes, good actually. Cally and Piper gave me a make under as they put it and then introduced me to their friends. Gabe found me and agreed that it was best that I stayed with them, so all is good. They did invite me to Violet’s for a coffee but maybe I can go with them tomorrow instead.” Looking a little happier my Aunt says, “Good, they seem ok and Violet’s is a decent place to hang out. There’s never any trouble because the owner is good friends with Mr Knight so nobody would dare try and start any trouble there.”

  I look at her with interest. “Who is Mr Knight then?” Aunt Sarah looks grim. “He owns most of the town. He is very unscrupulous and doesn’t care who he upsets to get what he wants. People are afraid of him and anybody that crosses him soon knows about it.” Feeling confused I say, “How does Violet fit into it?” My Aunt grins. “Violet is a sexy woman who Mr Knight adores. Her husband died and she opened the diner with the Insurance money. She doesn’t tolerate anything bad in her diner and because he worships her he would go after anyone who tried. Needless to say, the rougher element avoids her place at all costs for fear of upsetting him.” Laughing I like the sound of Violet already. As we carry on my Aunt looks at me sheepishly. “I hope that you don’t mind but I’ve sort of found you a voluntary job on Saturday mornings.” Surprised I ask, “Where?” “The library. Mr Watson is in dire need of some help and can’t afford to pay anyone. The library is in a terrible state and nothing is where it should be. I figured that you wouldn’t mind helping him out re arranging the shelves into some sort of order.” I smile at her. “Of course not. I’d be glad to help him poor man.” Smiling softly my Aunt says, “I knew you wouldn’t mind. Also if nothing else it will keep you occupied in some of your spare time, away from harm.”

  As we head off home I feel quite excited at the thought of a job, even an unpaid one. This day hasn’t turned out too bad after all.

  Chapter 4

  I help my Aunt with the dinner and soon Gabe returns from football practice. Aunt Sarah throws him a can saying, “How was it?” Sinking heavily into his chair Gabe shrugs. “Ok I guess, although we need all the practice we can get before the big game.” I look at him with interest. “What game is that?” Gabe looks worried. “With Freyview High. It’s still a few weeks away but the rivalry runs deep. We have to win for honour’s sake.” My Aunt laughs. “You and your honour.” We all sit down to eat and I relish being part of a family for once. This is all I have ever wanted really. I don’t have any brothers and sisters and have been raised an only child. I don’t have any family just two guardians who took the place of my parents and I love them as such. Any friendships that I have made are short lived and all I have ever wanted is to be part of something loving and nurturing. This is the closest to it that I have ever got and I feel extremely protective of it.

  After I have helped my Aunt with the clearing away I head to my room to study. Finally I am alone and stretching out on my bed I savour the feeling of peace. Taking off my school clothes I put on more comfortable joggers and a sweatshirt. Finally I can let my hair down and enjoy brushing it, feeling its silky smoothness as I go. This is more like it. I can be myself again in the confines of my own room. Fingering the locket I pull it from around my neck and place it on the bedside table. I instantly feel the rush that accompanies the move. It is as though I have been set free. My true self is released and I feel the power surge through me. Peace descends upon me and the feeling of power that it releases in me lights up my very soul. I bathe in its cleansing waves as it rejuvenates me. As I lie here enjoying feeling myself again there is a sudden knock at the door. Before I can say anything though it opens and Gabe comes in. “Grace I forgot…” As though frozen he stares at me in wonder. His eyes look at me in disbelief and then they fill with tears. Sinking down into a nearby chair he puts his head in his hands. In a faltering voice he says, “Please Grace, put the locket back on, somebody might see you.” Guiltily I reach for it. I always forget the effect that I have on people and feel cross that I didn’t lock the door. As soon as the locket is in place I feel as though I am being once again drawn back into my own body. It makes me feel oppressed and dare I say it - normal. Looking up Gabe says softly. “It’s like the sun rising with the moon after having captured the stars. It’s just too much to look at Grace. Promise me you will wear the locket at all times. Nobody must see you like that, they wouldn’t understand.” I nod sadly. “I’m sorry Gabe, you’re right I forget that’s all.” Coming over Gabe sits on the bed. “Look Grace, I know it’s hard for you but you will find a way. It must be difficult being you and we forget that sometimes. You know that I am here for you though don’t you?” Hugging him I can feel the tears pricking my eyes. “I know Gabe, I love you and Aunt Sarah and am so grateful to you both. I promise to try and keep hidden.” Gabe nods and then pulls away awkwardly. Clearing his throat he says, “Anyway, I meant to say that I forgot to warn you about Ash.” Looking interested I say, “Go on then.” Gabe looks at me with a solemn expression. “He is evil Grace. He doesn’t care who he hurts and what he destroys. He does it all to amuse himself. Anything bad that happens in this town always leads back to him.” I look at him in surprise. “But Aunt Sarah told me that Mr Knight ruled this town. Can’t he stop him?” Gabe laughs hollowly. “Not really. Mr Knight is Ash’s uncle. He lives with him in that big house that you can see from the ridge. They probably cook everything up between them. I just wanted to say stay away from him. He loves nothing more than toying with people’s feelings. He’ll pick on a pretty girl and give them attention. As soon as they fall for him he tosses them aside and leaves them to Skylar to sort out.” Feeling worried I look at him nervously. “What do you mean?” Gabe sighs. “Ash uses Skylar to keep most of the other girls away. She believes that she’s his girlfriend and in most senses of the word she is. However he doesn’t care about her anymore than the next girl. If she feels that he is interested in another girl she makes their life hell. Her and her cronies have beaten up, bullied and publicly humiliated any girl that gets his or his friends attention. He just laughs and carries on causing mayhem and she gets to call herself his girlfriend for another day. It’s all a game to him as Jessica Parker found out last year.” I can see Gabe’s face fall as he says her name and I realise that there was more to Jessica Parker than he is telling me. He shakes himself saying, “Anyway, that’s all I came to tell you. Just keep away from them all and you’ll be fine, ok?” Nodding I smile at him as he leaves the room. Nestling back against the pillows I think about what he has just told me. I am not going anywhere near any of them, that much I’m sure about.

  Chapter 5

  “Hi Grace, over here.” Pushing my way through the bodies clamouring for their lockers I make my way to my new friends. Cally looks at me and I can tell that she is itching to tell me something. “What’s up Cally?” I can see the excitement flashing in her eyes. “My mom says that I can go to the party on Saturday night.” I can also see Piper’s excited expression and say, “What party?” Piper turns to me her eyes shining. “It’s the end of summer beach party that the school has every year to say goodbye to the old year and hello to
the new. Everyone at the school is invited but some parents don’t like their kids going in case there’s trouble.” Their excitement is contagious and I hope that Aunt Sarah will let me go. Cally grins at me. “You must ask if you can come too Grace. It will be so much fun and everything.” Laughing I say, “Everything?” Blushing Cally lowers her voice. “It’s not unusual to pair off with someone at one of these. I am so long overdue for a boyfriend. Not that I have anyone in mind though.” She blushes and Piper shoots me a knowing look. Hearing a commotion we look around and see Skylar banging her locker door shut. Her friend Teagan looks wary and we hear Skylar say, “Not even a phone call. I mean what’s he playing at? I must have call and texted him millions of times over the summer and yet nothing. Well I’m going to have a lot to say to him when he bothers to show his face.” Teagan looks at her warily. “If it’s any consolation Jacob hasn’t heard from him either. I think he went to stay with his father for the break. Jacob did hear from Jace that he will be back by the end of the week though.” Slamming her locker Skylar stalks off, closely followed by Teagan. Looking at the others their eyes are wide in amazement. Cally lets out a deep breath. “Wow, the Queen of cool is anything but. Mind you it must be a nightmare having him as your boyfriend.” Piper nods and I say, “What were they talking about?” Pulling me in closer Cally says in a whisper. “Ash took off for the summer and hasn’t been seen since. Skylar is obviously pissed that he hasn’t called her. Despite her words though I bet as soon as she lays eyes on him she’ll be all over him like a rash.” Piper laughs. “Who wouldn’t? The ultimate bad boy. Who can possibly resist him?” The bell rings and we head off to our first lesson.

  Once again I have a good anonymous day and enjoy discovering more about my friends. I discover that Cameron has a wicked sense of humour and has me in fits at break, mimicking the teachers that took our morning lessons. He appears to have relaxed around me now and I have enjoyed his company. It amuses me to see Gabe at lunchtime being followed by a group of girls who gaze adoringly at him. Nudging Cally I nod towards them. “Who are they?” Her mouth twitching Cally raises her eyes up. “Wannabees. They want Gabe and wanna be his girlfriend. It’s some badge of honour to be the girlfriend of the Captain of the football team, especially one as hot as Gabe.” Laughing to myself I vow to tease him about it later.

  The day flashes past and soon I am excited to be heading into town to Violet’s with my friends.

  As we push our way in through the violet coloured doors I am blown away by the place. It is spotless and done out in a retro style. The waitresses have on really cool violet tunics with white frilly aprons wrapped around their waists. The place is filled with loud music and it is quite difficult to find a seat. Luckily we do and wait for our server. Looking around I am mesmerised. The vibe is relaxed and fun and it would appear that business is booming and we have to wait some time before we are served. Our waitress is a pleasant woman whose eyes twinkle as she takes our order. Just before she goes I am interested to see a striking woman come out from the kitchen. She is obviously the manager as she has on a different uniform to the rest and watching her command attention I realise that this must be Violet. It is obvious that she runs a happy ship and there is a lot of laughing and joking amongst the staff. I watch as she places a notice on the door. Craning my neck I see that she is advertising for staff. Nudging the others I point to it saying, “Should we apply?” Their eyes wide Cally and Piper say, “You should Grace. We can’t because we already have jobs and our mom’s won’t let us have another in case it interferes with our studies, but you go for it.” Jumping up I decide to do just that. I would like a job as I want to be able to contribute something to my keep, or even just treat my Aunt once in a while. Nervously I pull my hat off and wipe my sweating palms on my jeans. I approach Violet and wait for her to finish talking to another waitress. Soon she spins around and I cough nervously and indicate the ad. “Um I would like to apply for a job if that’s alright?” I watch as she appraises me and then notice her expression change as she takes in my appearance. A puzzled look comes across her face. I recognise the look. The locket acts as a filter. It confuses people and directs their brain away from my appearance. Usually they just think that they have seen me somewhere before. Gesturing to a nearby chair she sits down next to me. “So tell me about yourself,” she says looking at me with interest. “Well my name is Grace Gray and I have just started at Falcondell High. I am staying with my Aunt Sarah Rivers and my cousin Gabe and I would like a job to help contribute to my keep. I am a hard worker and can be flexible.” Violet looks at me and smiles. “Well, I could certainly use the help and I have a feeling that this may the safest place for you young lady. When can you start?” Smiling happily I say incredulously, “You mean I’ve got the job?” Frowning Violet looks at me and I am suddenly aware that I have let my guard slip a little. Looking perturbed she says, “I have a feeling that you are going to need this job more than you realise Grace. However to start with I think I’ll put you to work in the kitchen, probably for the best.”

  Seeing my quizzical expression she says lowering her voice. “It’s not often that somebody as beautiful as you comes to town. I have a feeling that you may attract some unwanted attention and for all our sakes I think it might be best to keep you away from prying eyes for your own safety. How about putting in a shift after school tomorrow? If your Aunt has any questions she can come and see me, ok?” Gratefully I say, “Thank you Miss…” “Call me Violet dear. Now go on back to your friends. You may as well enjoy yourself whilst you can.”

  Cally and Piper whoop with delight when I tell them and Cally beams at me. “Good old Violet, she’ll look after you. You don’t have to worry about any of the cool kids coming here. They don’t set foot inside the place. They prefer Monty’s on the other side of town.” Relaxing back into my seat I feel happy that I have sorted out two jobs now. Things are definitely working out well here for me.

  Chapter 6

  Aunt Sarah and Gabe are not as thrilled as I am about my new job, however when I tell them that I will be working in the kitchen they relax a bit. I also broach the subject of the beach party at dinner and my Aunt looks over at Gabe with a worried look. Gabe thinks for a minute and then says, “You should be ok if you stick with us. Bring your friends over and just try to go unnoticed. It is unusual for Ash and his gang to come to it anyway so you’ll probably be ok.” Grinning I begin to feel excited. My first proper party. I have never been allowed to go to one before and I feel ecstatic.

  By the time the weekend comes I have already completed a shift at Violet’s which I enjoyed much more than I ever thought I would. It was busy but the time just rushed by. I was exhausted at the end of it and Violet appeared pleased with my work. I was working with some older ladies who kept me in fits with their constant chatter. I am going to do an afternoon shift after the library so the day will be extremely hectic.

  Gabe drops me off at the library saying, “I’ll pick you up at 1pm and drop you to the diner if you want.” I nod at him gratefully. “Thanks Gabe. Where are you off to now?” “Training. I might have lunch at the diner as I’m always so hungry afterwards so I’ll probably see you later, good luck.” Waving to him I walk up the stone steps towards the door of the library.

  Pushing open the door I take in the dim, dusty interior. It is quite dark in here and smells musty. The room is crammed from floor to ceiling with rows upon rows of books and there are several tables dotted around housing piles of books that have apparently been abandoned there. Walking in I see a man sitting behind a desk and as I approach him I notice with a pang that he appears dishevelled and unkempt. As he raises his eyes to look at me he looks tired and weary, worry lines evident on his face. Tilting his glasses forward he says, “Can I help you Miss?” “Um my name is Grace Gray Mr Watson. My Aunt Sarah Rivers may have told you to expect me.” Suddenly jumping up he smiles saying, “Of course, welcome dear. I am pleased to meet you. It is kind of you to give up your Saturday morning to
help out an old man like this.” I smile brightly at him. “It’s my pleasure Sir. What would you like me to do?” Looking strangely at me he clears his throat and then points to an area in the corner of the room. “Would you mind making a start on the literary classics section? I need them in alphabetical order by Author. Follow me and I’ll show you where to start.” As I follow him I take in my surroundings. It all looks a complete mess and with the dingy lighting and dusty shelves it is a depressing place to be. Libraries usually excite me as I love books and enjoy reading so much. This one though will need a lot of work before it is a relaxing place to hang out.