Will You Read online
Page 12
A few days later, I look up as the door opens and see Ken’s new girlfriend standing there. She looks at me with a hard expression and heads towards the counter. Plastering a smile on my face, I say politely, “May I help you?”
She looks around her irritably and shakes her head. “You can start by paying the rent you owe for last month.”
“Excuse me.”
Her eyes flash and she hisses, “Ken told me you were one month behind. He said it didn’t matter but I disagree. You see, I have his best interests at heart and you are taking advantage of his generous nature.”
I say haughtily, “That’s none of your business. I deal with Ken and if he has a problem with it, he can come to me himself.”
Violet shakes her head. “That’s where you’re wrong. You see, when we marry, I will be equal partners with him. We have discussed it and I am taking over the business side of things. So, you see ultimately, I’m your new landlady and I am not offering you any extensions. So, pay what you owe otherwise you have notice to vacate the premises. Oh, and just to inform you, the rent will be going up. I will put it in writing but I thought I’d forewarn you.”
She looks around her disdainfully. “Remember what I’ve said because I’m no pushover. This is a business after all and not pleasure. I expect the payment by early next week. If you don’t pay up, you will receive notice to leave.”
Without waiting for a reply, she turns away and heads outside leaving me speechless.
I think I’m still standing there when a welcome face heads through the door and Richie says loudly, “Good god, Nelly, has someone died or did you suddenly realise you’re wearing Primark?”
Shaking my head, I look at him in horror. “Something’s happened and I don’t know what to do about it.”
He looks excited. “Ooh, I love a good drama. What is it, did Jack ask you to join a threesome? I wouldn’t be surprised or maybe you’ve discovered he’s gay and need me to check if it’s true. I’m hoping for the latter, of course, but either way, I’m interested.”
I just stare at him in horror and the mask slips and he looks concerned for once. “Come on honey, tell your uncle Richie.”
I fill him in on what happened and by the end of it, his expression matches mine. “The vile bitch. Let me have a word with her and bitch slap her into next week.”
Groaning, I say sadly, “If it were only that simple. What am I going to do?”
He leans on the counter and shakes his head. “I’m not sure. I mean, really you should have a word with Ken and tell him what she said. I’m sure he would be horrified.”
“I doubt it. I am behind with the rent and maybe it’s his way of making me pay. He’s always been kind and patient but maybe that was all an act.”
Richie shakes his head. “No way. Ken, I’m sure, is as much a victim of this horror as you are. We need a cunning plan.”
Sighing, I nod in agreement. “You’re right. Maybe I should think of one because I can’t afford the rent I owe, let alone an increase. I’ll be out of business within the month and have to get a proper job like everyone else.”
Shaking myself, I look at Richie and try to change the subject. “So, how are things with you?”
He shrugs. “Same old. Roger is still acting the man patient and my patience is wearing as thin as a man’s hair with a comb-over. What I need is a holiday, preferably away from him.”
“Why don’t you both go, he may need the recuperation and it might make you both happier?”
Nodding, he smiles happily. “You could be right, maybe I’ll look into it. We could head to Disney world, now that he’s in a temporary wheelchair we could go to the front of all the rides. Maybe he could be useful for once. So, all our problems aside, how are things going with the delectable Jack?”
“Fine, I guess.”
“You guess? What’s that supposed to mean?”
I stare across the road gloomily and catch Jack laughing at yet another group of adoring fans. “You know, Richie, there’s a reason why women like me don’t go out with men like Jack.”
“Because we will never be enough.”
He follows my gaze and sees the show opposite and shakes his head with disapproval. “You’re wrong, Nelly. I think it’s the other way around. Men like Jack never find the gold coated relationship because they are blinded by the fake. Real gold is tarnished and dull but lasts the test of time. The glittery, fake, man-made jewels, start off fabulous but tarnish pretty damn quickly and get cast aside for the next new shiny toy. Pretty soon it all becomes vulgar and like a bad fashion mistake of the past. True gold increases in value and outshines any man-made copy. You are that gold, Nelly and those girls are mere fashion items. One day, men like Jack will realise the value of you and treat you like the precious gem you are.”
Rolling my eyes, I grin. “Are you saying I’m like a tarnished lump of old metal? Thanks, I feel so much better. I’m so glad I’m not considered a dazzling jewel of the utmost desirability instead.”
Laughing, Richie slam a few bags of chocolate malted balls on the counter. “Check me out honey because I have a holiday to book.”
By the time he leaves, I do feel a little better, but the problem is still there. In fact, both problems are still there because not only am I about to lose my business but it appears I’m about to lose my heart as well.
Over the next few days, I try every trick in the book to reach Ken. I spy from the window waiting to see if Violet leaves without him. I try phoning the flat upstairs but hang up as soon as she answers. I’ve even sent Angela to knock on their door pretending to be from the council but it’s as if Ken has disappeared off the planet. I do, however, see him on the odd occasion leaving with Violet. Her hand is always possessively in his and she is all over him like a rash. The deadline is looming for the rent and I am getting desperate.
So, it’s the last thing I need, when Jack invites me over for a family supper to celebrate Aunt Alice’s birthday. Apparently, she’s coming to stay for a few days and they all need to show her how they’re progressing.
Since we went to her home, I haven’t seen that much of Jack other than through my spy mirror. We’ve both been busy with work and he heads to the gym most evenings after we close. If anyone asks, we say we meet up afterwards, but it’s just another lie. I’m beginning to think that those moments I shared with Jack were just to get me to agree to this charade. He has kept his distance and for some reason, it bothers me way more than it should. He still brings me the odd coffee over but again, it’s just for appearance’s sake and so, call me an idiot but I make an extra effort with my appearance tonight. When will I ever learn?
Tonight, I have pulled out all the stops and hate myself for it. I’m now that stupid fool who actually thinks she has a chance with the popular guy from class, despite the fact he’s made it pretty clear what this is.
However, I am pleased with how I look as I have curled my hair in those giant rollers I got for Christmas and applied my makeup courtesy of a YouTube video. Ariadne will be so proud of me for that one. I didn’t have much choice in the wardrobe department so have resorted to some smart black jeans and a white silk blouse with a peplum jacket, also white. Silver costume jewellery reinforces Richie’s comment on shiny fake things and that’s fine by me. This whole situation is fake anyway, so I may as well play the part.
When Jack arrives to pick me up, I am rewarded by the slightly stunned expression on his face as his eyes rake me in from head to toe. He almost can’t find words, so I say flippantly, “Are you ready?”
He nods and I follow him outside to the waiting car.
I’m not sure why but my nerves are all over the place tonight. Maybe it’s because Jack looks good enough to eat in smart jeans and a tight-fitting top, or is it the aftershave he’s wearing that’s causing my mind to wander into unfamiliar territory? However, it’s probably just the tight ball of nerves that has sat inside me ev
er since Violet strode into my shop with her demands.
We are both oddly quiet as we start the journey and it must be twenty minutes in that Jack says slightly nervously, “Is everything ok, Nelly?”
Feeling surprised, I notice a genuine concern in his eyes and shrug, “I think so, why, what’s the matter?”
“I’m not sure but you’ve seemed quite distant lately, and I was wondering if it was anything I’ve done to upset you.”
I stare at him in shock. Me? Distant?
I shrug, “I don’t know what you mean. To be honest, I haven’t seen much of you except the odd cup of coffee here and there. From the looks of things, your um… customers have been keeping you quite busy and to my knowledge, you’ve just been heading to the gym after work. You must forgive me if I’m supposed to have done something, after all, this relationship charade is all new to me and I don’t appear to have received my part of the script.”
He looks at me with surprise. “To be honest, Nelly, I’ve kept away because you seemed preoccupied with something. The odd occasions I came over you seemed distracted and well… not very interested if I’m honest. I thought maybe you were having second thoughts after spending that dreadful day with my family and maybe once you met Aunt Alice you wanted to pull out. You were so quiet on the journey home I was afraid to ask.”
I can’t believe what I’m hearing and see the genuine concern in his eyes. Relaxing slightly, I say sadly, “To be honest, I did have second thoughts when I met Aunt Alice. I liked her and it felt wrong deceiving her. However, something she said made me reconsider my options, so no, that’s not why I’ve been quiet.”
Sighing, I look down and say wearily, “No, my problems are now bigger than this charade we’ve fallen into. That woman your parents were talking about, marched into my shop today and acted like some sort of mafia boss. Apparently, when she marries Ken, she will take over the running of the business and wants to increase my rent. She has also demanded last month’s rent, despite the fact that Ken has always said it doesn’t matter if I’m a little late with it. To be honest, I can’t think of anything else because the way things are going, my business could be closed within a few months.”
To my surprise, Jack reaches out and puts his hand on my knee and for a minute I just stare at it thinking how good it looks there. Then he says in a calm, reassuring, voice. “We’ll work it out, don’t worry.”
I look up at him in surprise and see a softness in his eyes that mesmerises me. He almost looks as if he cares which takes my breath away. Fighting the urge to cover his hand with mine, I smile weakly, “Thanks, I think I need all the friends I can get at the moment.”
He smiles softly, “Well, I am your boyfriend after all. Nobody messes with my girl and gets away with it.”
He winks and I almost pass out. His girl, how I wish that were true.
I feel nervous as we head inside Jack’s parent’s house because this family scares me on every level. Tonight, the house is bathed in candlelight and I briefly wonder if it’s legal to have this many open flames around so many reed diffusers. What if they ignite the vapour or something? Aunt Alice’s birthday would go up like a firework.
As expected, everyone looks as if they have just dressed for the Oscars and I feel like blending into the furnishings. Amanda is wearing a red silk dress and her lips are painted to match. James looks like the man from the aftershave ad that sends me delirious every time I see it and Aunt Alice looks immaculate in a white shift dress with pearls and some sort of pashmina draped elegantly over her shoulders. As she sees us her smile is genuine, and she heads towards us holding out her arms. “Nelly, my dear, how lovely you look. It’s good to see you again.”
I am enveloped in her perfumed embrace and am tempted to stay there for a minute in the security of her arms. However, politeness dictates my moves and I pull back and offer her the larger box of chocolates I selected, along with the birthday card I bought for her. She looks absolutely delighted, although I’m sure she’s used to much more extravagant gifts and says happily, “Chocolates are always my favourite gift. Let me put them somewhere safe so I can gorge on them in private later.”
She winks and heads off to her room and Amanda snaps, “Jack, fix Nelly a drink and James, please take her coat. Goodness, the men in this house must always be told.”
Feeling slightly embarrassed, I shrug out of my jacket and hand it to James who smiles charmingly. “You look lovely, Nelly.”
I feel myself blushing as I register that my jacket looks like a rag in his hand and take a few deep, calming, zen breaths to help me through. Ariadne and Godfrey are as usual taking selfies and I can see why. They are such a dream couple. She is wearing a tight-fitting, silver bodycon dress and her hair is curled way more professionally than mine. The hands that hold the camera reveal the most amazing set of silver nails I have ever seen. Her make-up is like something out of a magazine and she could actually be the model she so aspires to be.
Godfrey looks amazing in black trousers and a crisp white shirt with a jacket that makes him look smart and affluent. His hair is slicked back for once and he looks every inch a successful businessman which makes me wonder what it is he actually does for a living. They see me watching them and Ariadne smiles, beckoning me over. “Hi, Nelly, I don’t suppose you could take a few photos of us, could you?”
Nodding, I take the phone from her hands and start snapping away as they pose for the camera. I have to hand it to them, they are good. Every frame is like something from the red carpet and I resist the urge to add one of those animal filters just to mess them up a bit. It’s just not fair that two people could look so good all the time.
After what feels like hundreds of poses later, I hand the phone back and she pounces on it like an oxygen mask in a decompression. Squealing, she scrolls through, saying at random. “No, this won’t do, ugh, I had my eyes closed in this one, hm this one may be of use. Godfrey, you look like an idiot in this one, yes, this could work, hm, not so sure about this one. Oh, you got mum’s arm in this one, I think I have a filter that could work with this one…”
I tune out as the conversation starts to irritate me and Jack hands me a large glass of wine. “Here you go, something to get you through the ordeal.”
We wander over to the side of the room and Jack lowers his voice. “Listen, Nelly, I just wanted to say….”
“May I have your attention please?”
We look up to see Amanda clapping her hands and calling the room to attention. She turns to James and nods saying, “James, please light the candles, we need to present Aunt Alice with her cake.”
Feeling worried about the fact he is now lighting another shed load of candles to add to St Elmo’s fire, we all start singing Happy Birthday. Aunt Alice beams around at us all and claps her hand with delight when James presents the smouldering cake to her as she attempts to blow out the equivalent of a bush fire on the serving dish before her. Everyone claps as she makes it by the tenth attempt and she laughs happily. “Thank you, everyone, for making my birthday so exciting. We don’t spend much time together, so I value any we do. I am aware that circumstances are a little different this year and I have set you some interesting challenges. I hope they haven’t been too difficult and I’ll look forward to seeing the results in a few months’ time.”
One by one everyone claps and then heads over to kiss her on the cheek.
As everyone drifts off back to what they were doing, Jack takes my arm and propels me outside the room away from the noise and I look at him with surprise. He stands looking a little awkward and I say, “What’s the matter, is something wrong?”
He shakes his head and says hesitantly, “Um… well… I just wanted to warn you that I may do the odd strange… um… boyfriend thing this evening. I don’t want Aunt Alice to suspect anything, so you don’t mind if I occasionally hold your hand or um… kiss you a little.”
Trying hard not to let my excitement show, I nod coolly. “If that’s what you think would hel
p, of course.”
He steps closer and I think I hold my breath as he reaches up and pulls me close. “Um… what are you doing Jack? There’s nobody here.”
He whispers, “I think we should practice, don’t you?”
Ok, this is unexpected. Feeling like Christmas has come early, I whisper, “We’ve practiced before, why now?”
His eyes sparkle and I lose my mind in them as he says huskily, “Because I want to.”
He wants to Kiss me. Why?
However, I don’t have time to dissect the intentions behind the request because as if in slow motion, I see those heavenly lips heading my way. The nerves start fluttering like butterflies in my stomach as he advances slowly towards me. I don’t even have time to lick my lips before his are on mine and it’s a glorious feeling. This kiss with Jack is different. Somehow it feels more intimate and secret. We are standing in his parent’s home like a normal couple and he has spirited me away to have his wicked way with me out of sight of prying eyes.
Forgetting myself, I kiss him back with everything I’ve got. I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth and so I allow myself to indulge in my fantasy for once. This time the kiss lasts longer and reaches a whole new level. In my mind, we are a couple and this is what we do all the time.
Jack twists my hair and holds my head in place as he devours me like a hungry beast. We press closer and our bodies are touching and I’m sure he can feel the thump of my beating wanton heart as I press my body against his. Somewhere from the back of my subconscious, I hear a groan and hope to god it isn’t me but then I don’t care anymore because this is the stuff of fairy tales.
Suddenly, we hear, “Oh for god’s sake, Jack, couldn’t you wait, mum wants us to watch Aunt Alice open her presents.”
We quickly pull apart and I see Ariadne looking at us with amusement from the doorway and I blush. Jack just smiles. “We’ll be there in a second.”